marți, 27 aprilie 2010






















marți, 13 aprilie 2010

The Staring Master

You can run
You can hide
You can play spades on the other side
Bu there nothing really you can do
When The Staring Master is staring at you
‘Cause nobody is faster
than the staring of
the staring master

A vedea inseamna sa ai contact vizual cu lumea.
nu cere nicio pregatire, niciun antrenament. receptezi imagini.
A privi inseamna o intensificare a primului contact vizual.
manifesti interes fata de ceea ce privesti. intirzii asupra ceea ce privesti. distingi si discerni.
A te holba insemna a fixa obiectul privirii.
pina la contopire. patrunzi in el si el in tine. distingi, discerni si intelegi.

Sint mai multe feluri in care poti citi acest text. Te uiti la el, ca si cum l-ai scana, zimbesti la poza si treci mai departe. Sau il citesti, te gindesti un pic, iti trezeste ceva, iti suna telefonul, treci mai departe. Sau poti sa te holbezi la el pina cind literele isi pierd forma, cuvintele intelesul, iar pagina lay-out-ul. E un trip cu font mic, un pas inainte catre textul fara cuvinte.

Staring Is Not a Sport. Is the Sport. To become a Master you have to train for a lifetime.

Choose not to watch. Chose not to look. Choose staring.

duminică, 11 aprilie 2010


Autopoiesis literally means "auto (self)-creation" (from the Greek: auto – αυτό for self- and poiesis – ποίησις for creation or production), and expresses a fundamental dialectic between structure and function.

The term was originally introduced by Chilean biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela in 1972:

An autopoietic machine is a machine organized (defined as a unity) as a network of processes of production (transformation and destruction) of components which: (i) through their interactions and transformations continuously regenerate and realize the network of processes (relations) that produced them; and (ii) constitute it (the machine) as a concrete unity in space in which they (the components) exist by specifying the topological domain of its realization as such a network. [1]

[…] the space defined by an autopoietic system is self-contained and cannot be described by using dimensions that define another space. When we refer to our interactions with a concrete autopoietic system, however, we project this system on the space of our manipulations and make a description of this projection. [2]

Even though others have often used the term as a synonym for self-organization, Maturana himself stated he would "never use the notion of self-organization, because it cannot be the is impossible. That is, if the organization of a thing changes, the thing changes."[5] Moreover, an autopoietic system is autonomous and operationally closed, in the sense that there are sufficient processes within it to maintain the whole. Autopoietic systems are 'structurally coupled' with their medium, embedded in a dynamic of changes that can be recalled as sensory-motor coupling. This continuous dynamic is considered as at least a rudimentary form of knowledge or cognition and can be observed throughout life-forms.


O carte de Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela - Tree of knowledge
poate fi gasita aici


A single word is spoken once into a tape recorder and the tape smoothly
spliced (without click) into a loop.The word is repetitively played back with
high rather than low volume. After one or two minutes of listening (from
50 to 150 repetitions), the word clearly perceived so far abruptly changes
into another meaningful and clearly perceived word: an “alternate.”After
ten to thirty repetitions of this first alternate, a sudden switch to a second
alternate is perceived,and so on.6The following is a small selection of the
758 alternates reported from a population of about 200 subjects who were
exposed to a repetitive playback of the single word cogitate: agitate, anno-
tate,arbitrate,artistry,back and forth,brevity,ça d’était,candidate,can’t you
see,can’t you stay,Cape Cod you say,card estate,cardiotape,car district,catch
a tape, cavitate, cha cha che, cogitate, computate; conjugate, conscious state,
counter tape,count to ten,count to three,count yer tape,cut the steak,entity,
fantasy, God to take, God you say, got a data, got your pay, got your tape,
gratitude, gravity, guard the tit, gurgitate, had to take, kinds of tape, majesty,

Citat din cartea lui Heinz von Foerster Understanding Understanding

Cartea poate fi citita aici

Parabola evreului

De mult, de mult, in Cracovia traia un evreu pe care il chema Eizik, fiul lui Yekel. Plin de datorii si coplesit de responsabilitatea unei familii numeroase, Eizik tanjea ca cineva sau ceva sa apara de undeva si sa-i usureze aceasta povara. Dar, nimic nu parea sa apara.

Intr-o noapte, Eizik a avut un vis ciudat. S-a vazut in Praga, capitala aflata la o mare distanta, stand pe un pod ce trecea peste raul Valtava, chiar langa palatul regelui. "Sapa!" - ii spunea o voce in ureche. "Chiar in acest loc este ingropata o comoara. Toate problemele tale se vor rezolva." Dar, cand s-a trezit, Eizik nu i-a dat importanta visului, crezandu-l doar o plasmuire a imaginatiei. Stia, oricum, ca nu are nici puterea, nici resursele necesare sa calatoreasca atat de departe.

Dar visul tot revenea. Noapte dupa noapte, el avea acelasi vis. In cele din urma, Eizik si-a dat seama ca nu va avea liniste pana cand nu va merge in indepartata Praga, pentru a verifica adevarul.

Cand a juns in capitala, epuizat si infometat, Eizik s-a dus direct la palatal regelui. Acolo, el a recunoscut podul din vis, locul fiind exact ca in viziunea sa. Dar podul era pazit de soldati. Cum s-ar fi putut apropia?

Atunci, pur si simplu, s-a hotarat sa spuna adevarul si revelatiile lui Eizik au provocat soldatilor un imens amuzament. "In ceea ce ma priveste," a spus unul dintre ei, in bataie de joc, "eu am visat ca exista o comoara, care este ingropata in Cracovia, sub cuptorul unuia Eizik, intr-o casa de evrei, si, acusica, plec intr-acolo s-o iau!".

Auzind aceste cuvinte, Eizik a avut, instantaneu, o sclipire. S-a intors repede la Cracovia, a dat la o parte pietrele din cuptor si acolo se afla comoara.

sâmbătă, 10 aprilie 2010

Cornelius Cardew - The great learning

De uitat la minutul 38.20

Cornelius Cardew - The great learning .

Ceea ce a facut Cardew aduce intr-o anumita masura cu ceea ce facem noi

E aici un text despre asta

The original Scratch Orchestra was founded on paper rather than in practice. Their manifesto, the “Draft Constitution,” was penned by Cornelius Cardew and published in the journal Musical Times as both their statement of purpose and an open call for members. The text describes the ideological and political leanings of the group, as well as illustrating specific improvisation-based performance practices that express these agendas.


In 1968 the Scratch Orchestra was jointly conceived by English composers Cornelius Cardew, Howard Skempton and Michael Parsons during a class on experimental music at London's Morely College. An outcry against both the traditional symphony orchestra and the hermetic musical avant-garde, the orchestra was to be democratically run by its members and include both amateur and professional musicians. Founded on paper rather than in practice, the group announced itself with the publication of the "Draft Constitution"-- a manifesto penned by Cardew-- in The Musical Times journal (see HERE for this text.)

The Constitution laid out the Orchestra's motives and method: "Definition: A Scratch Orchestra is a large number of enthusiasts pooling their resources (not primarily material resources) and assembling for action (music-making, performance, edification)." A number of improvisation-based exercises were proposed, as well as the stipulation that all members must regularly pen scores of “Scratchmusic” for the group (to "be accomplished using any means--verbal, graphic, musical, collage, etc.”) Announcing the date of their prospective first concert, the Constitution also served as an open call for new members. In the end the group was constituted by a combination of professional musicians, trained and untrained amateurs and a large contingent of performance-oriented visual artists; several members were from Leeds College of Art, including the well-known Fluxus artist George Brecht-- a faculty member there.

The orchestra achieved notoriety in its time-- they performed regularly in England, received government funding, aired broadcasts on the BBC and published a book of "Scratch music" excerpts with MIT Press. Concerts included works by such well-known composers as John Cage, Christian Wolff, Morton Feldman, and Cardew himself. But dissent between the "serious" musicians and Fluxus-inspired performance artists eventually brought about irresolvable tensions within the members. And the group’s interactions with the public sphere were no less thorny-- a controversial performance resulted in a smear campaign, with the press attempting to strip Cardew of his government grant money and tenure at the Royal Academy of Music.

Mirroring the global tendency for communalist leftism to revert to dictatorship, as Cardew's political commitments became more fervent he attempted to use the Orchestra to advance a distinct political outlook-- namely that of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist.) In reaction to the failure of the groups democratic premise, members started disrupting the group's own concerts through interruptions and protests. Discontent was addressed by the founding of the Scratch Ideological Group, a makeshift book club to study Marx, Lenin and Mao.

Though intended to unify the group's purpose, the Scratch Ideological Group may have been the final blow to the ensemble. The group officially disbanded in 1974.


The Constitution laid out the Orchestra's motives and method: "Definition: A Scratch Orchestra is a large number of enthusiasts pooling their resources (not primarily material resources) and assembling for action (music-making, performance, edification)."

Aici e linkul unde poate fi downloadat Cornelius Cardew - The great learning .

Alte texte :

Towards an Ethic of Improvisation Cornelius Cardew

Chinese Characters and Experimental Structure in Cornelius Cardew's The Great Learning

Untitled from Fjb on Vimeo.

luni, 5 aprilie 2010

Hito Steyerl - " A Thing Like You and Me"


"-(...)Oare nu trebuie ca spiritul vorbitorului sa aiba cunoasterea adevarului despre cele pe care le are de spus?
-In privinta aceasta,iata ce am auzit eu (...): ca viitorul orator nu are nevoie sa fi deprins ceea ce este cu adevarat drept,ci mai degraba opiniile multimii care hotaraste; si nici cele care sunt in realitate adevarate sau frumoase,ci cele care sunt doar socotite astfel. Din cunoasterea acestora de pe urma se obtine darul convingerii, si nu din aceea a adevarului."