luni, 31 mai 2010

The projection of our identity. The formation of external identities. Lacan suggests that the effect 'Gaze' of the mirror can similarly be produced by any conceivable object. A chair or a television screen. so ...birou propose this practice: perform for the furniture, if not for the dog

marți, 18 mai 2010

“In putting honey on my head I am clearly doing something that has to do with thinking. Human ability is not to produce honey, but to think, to produce ideas. In this way the deathlike character of thinking becomes lifelike again. For honey is undoubtedly a living substance. Human thinking can be lively too. But it can also be intellectualized to a deadly degree, and remain dead, and express its deadliness in, say, the political or pedagogic fields.”

“ What comes” is not to be expected

The immanence of what comes is, for me, the immanence of consciousness translated into action and will power. Understanding your ability to shape, through action, the present and, implicitly, the future. The acknowledgment of creative power and energy as something positive, the will to act and to take responsibility for action as a result of thought. The transforming of passive into active through reducing wanted impact – not expecting the “reward”, neither immediate nor on a long term. “What comes” is not to be expected. Not projecting “what comes” but trying to observe, as accurate as possible, “what is already here” and act accordingly. Shifting the focus from “the world” to “ourselves”, from general to particular, starting the process of shaping the world with our self as the most accessible part of the world. Changing perspectives when looking at things and then making a choice, understanding “power” also as something positive when subordinated to awareness and thought. Expectations are to be left aside.

luni, 17 mai 2010


B.C.M.P.C este o structura mobila care isi propune sa urmareasca si sa consemneze forte interne si externe care determina modificari in spatiu si timp, in general si in particular, in micro si in macro.

B.C.M.P.C prezinta prezent continuu sub lupa, spectacol continuu.

B.C.M.P.C se angajeaza sa reveleze invizibil.


B.C.M.P.C este autorizat sa intervina in orice spectacol, in gradini, pe strada, in sala de spectacol, reconfigurind aria de desfasurare, contextul, cu scopul de a umaniza actantii, dar si de a revela spectacolul in tot.

B.C.M.P.C organizeaza, prezinta spectacole pentru categorii de public dezavantajate - ciini, pisici si copii cu virste intre 2 si 4 ani
imi pare rau dar nu stiu sa folosesc blogul. citesc -unmarked the politics of performance - peggy phelan si ma gindeam sa postez cartea pe blog. nu cred ca e posibil. nu? Vlad!?
about visibility and unmarked. related with our BIROU - questioning the ideology of the visible as an eraser of the power of the unmarked, unspoken, unseen.