I am thinking about the world in terms of desires.Let’s take the desire to make it a better place.For everybody.Is it really for everybody?Desiring a better world for everybody implies that everybody is happy with the same thing.What is the common accepted idea of a better world? A world of freedom,a world where wealth distribution is not un-balanced,a world without corporations who control economy,a world without opression and violence.If this is the common accepted idea of a better world for everybody,why is it not so?why doesn’t everybody work and struggle to build this “better world” if this would deffinitely be better for everybody?Why are the people building the corporations still doing that?why do the people who opress other people are still doing that?Why do people still want to get incredibly rich at the expense of other people?Why do common criminals are still attached to their practice?. The problem is the term “everybody”.Not everybody thinks of a better world within the common accepted idea of a better world.Not everybody thinks about the world and in fact,those who think about the world actually think about themselves and how they would want the world to be. The overall perspective is usually a false one, built upon personal references and common accepted ideas,people judge and act according to personal desires,permanent desires,momentary desires.
Thinking of a system in which the world could function,be it hierarchic or anarchic means thinking about a way for everybody to coexist.Throughout history people thought of systems in which the world could function.Probably, each system was conceived to serve this idea of “a better world”. Somehow,every time things evolved in such way that this ideal world form was never reached. People found a way to use any kind of system in their own interest.Everytime,we started seeking for the problem within the concept of the system. Outside of ourselves.( just now, Marx’s communist doctrine is being re-thought and there were always accusations that it was misinterpreted).The capitalist system didn’t seem to be a good solution either.There is also the proposal of anarchy as a system but for me,the possiblity of anarchy ends with conflicting interests.And conflicts of interests could be avoided if everybody would want the same thing.On a large scale,history proved this impossible.And I think of the human being as something complex,beyond “good” and “bad”,with unpredictable impulses.I think of the human society as still being ruled by the law of the jungle: only the smartes and strongest survive .With all the fabrications of modern civilization,it still goes down to that. Power is never equaly shared.People’s desire to control and dominate cannot be controled,neither by law,nor by education.A common idea is that educated people are” better people” in the same sense of “better world” –people who want the “better world” , the common idea of a better world . The affirmation stands to some extent but then there are huge counter-examples (let’s think of Heidegger or the very rich,educated children of very rich,educated families owning banks and corporations). It only makes me think of the subjectiveness of this “better world” and that everything has to do with perspective.
I think there is no such thing as a perfect system that would allow everybody to fit in and fulfill everybody’s desires.I think we shouldn’t be looking for this system.I think this is exactly the problem,the desire for an external solution.This shifts responsibility from yourself to the “system”.You have to change “the system”.We always wanted to “think big” . To change the world as if it was in one’s power or as if it should be. Let’s think of examples of people who wanted to change the world and also had the power to do so. Most of them were conquerors and dictators. I think the only thing you can change and you should want to change is you, your attitude towards the world,to expand the way in which you can understand it. To give up the desire to control “the other”,even to “make him better” since you shouldn’t “make” anyone anything, people should only “become”, through their own will and their own judgment. All attempts to think of systems in which the world could function were faced with the unpredictability of human behaviour,with the unpredictability of human desires –even if the majority of desires can be controled –like in the consummerist system we live in,where they are amplified and shaped by the market - ,the desire to control cannot be controled. The very idea of validating your thought and proving it right at all costs has to do with the desire to control.Therefore I believe in thinking small, on a small scale,on a personal scale,doing your work of understanding the shape of things and taking whatever you want from that instead of trying to shape them.
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